BETWIXT!! Céline Struger and Luca Sabot at Discotec
The narrative of the exhibition BETWIXT!! is unfolding within the space the artworks do not occupy. Céline Struger’s and Luca Sabot’s pieces form a curtain between restrained emotions and evocative rituals. Sabot’s mechanical constructs are tools of distancing, they structure intense emotions into mechanical frameworks that allow sensing the outer edges of an inner turmoil. Céline’s sculpture collages use symbolism and mythology, weaving together elements of ritual and storytelling to create not objects, but moments in a ritual of summoning.
The two artists' works orbit a shared emotional core, creating a space where release and repression coexist
LVL 3 – Artist of the Week
Céline Struger (1982, Klagenfurt) is an Austrian artist specializing in sculpture and site-specific art. Her work focuses on the recontextualization of places and their genius loci, exploring themes such as post-capitalism, ecology, and mythology. Céline frequently employs water as a sculptural medium, integrating found objects and self-made sculptures into her installations. In 2023, she was awarded a scholarship by the Austrian federal government to live and work in Paris. She has also participated in artist residencies in Germany, Canada, and South Korea. Recently, in 2024, Céline presented her work in a solo exhibition at Studio PRÁM in Prague, a duo show at VUNU in Bratislava, and a group exhibition at Picture Theory in New York. Her 2023 highlights include a solo exhibition at her gallery, Laetitia Gorsy, in Leipzig, Germany, as well as participation in the Artocène Chamonix art festival in France and the Dalseong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in South Korea. Starting in October 2024, Céline will serve as Visiting Artist in the Social Design department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. She currently lives and works in Vienna.
Fragmented Worlds –Common Grounds
t's that time of the year again when we're excited to present what the artists of the QMA Artist Collective have been working on the last months. This year's exhibition will take place at Barvinskyi Gallery, a new gallery on Seilerstätte in the first district.
Come to the opening on Friday, November 29th from 6-9PM, Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Vienna. Find out more about the event on our socials and on our website soon!
A Suitcase_ Klagenfurt
A Suitcase_ Klagenfurt – group exhibtion with 31 artists from NY and 31 artists from Vienna
Opening 18. Oktober, 6PM
Patrick Topitschnig
Die Ausstellung zeigt 22 künstlerische Positionen aus New York und Wien, die teilweise gemeinsam bei den vorausgegangenen Gruppenausstellungen in New York bei PICTURE THEORY und in Wien bei Kunstraum SUPER gezeigt wurden. Der Fokus der Ausstellung liegt auf den beteiligten KünstlerInnen mit Bezug zu Kärnten und Ihren amerikanischen TauschpartnerInnen. Weiters wird die fotografische Dokumentation des Projektes von Fotograf Daniel Sostaric gezeigt.
BABEL Ester Parasková & Céline Struger
Ester Parasková, Céline Struger
duo exhibition at VUNU Gallery Bratislava
opening 9.10.2024
curated by Michal Stolárik
GOODBYE HORSES the sunken piece
GOODBYE HORSES – the sunken piece
art in public space procession
Villach, Rathausplatz – Villach Stadtpark
5.10.2024 3-4 PM
with Dark City, Marko Markovic and many more, curated by Anna Ennemoser
Solo exhibition PYLON by Céline Struger at Studio PRÁM, Prague
Čerpadlová 536/4
190 00 Praha 9-Vysočany
Czech Republic
terra humana systematica
“terra humana systematica “
gottrekorder e.V.
Opening: 11.9.2024 5—10PM
Pavillon 6, 2nd floor, Room 215
Baumgartner Höhe 1
1140 Vienna
A gottrekorder production
by Martina Egger, Registrar – Kevin Daryl Ferdinandus, Multimedia – Robert Di Pauli Gruber, text – Kathrin Hanga, Organiser – Laura Hatting, Voice – Luisa Franz Kleopatra, Communication – Philipp Moosbrugger, Recording – Manfred Stocker, Manufacturer – Jonathan Uhlaner, Translation
With works by:
Anna Anvidalfarei, Ludwig Kittinger, Daniel Hafen,
Almut Reichenbach, Nigel Rolfe, sattler-glockner,
Rudi Stanzel, Céline Struger, Gwenn Thomas
and works from the collection and the collective.
held at PARALLEL VIENNA 2024
gottrekorder e.v. in cooperation with PARALLEL VIENNA 2024
Artist in residence at Studio PRÁM
Artist in residence at studio PRÀM
Opening solo exhibition 17.9.2024 6PM
Čerpadlová 536/4
190 00 Praha 9-Vysočany
Czech Republic
“Rahmenhandlung “
gottrekorder e.V.
Opening: 31.5.2024 6PM
Singerstraße 27, 1010 Vienna
31.5.2024 6PM
gottrekorder e.v. in cooperation with Peter Sonnleitner
Exhibition held at Independent Space Index 2024
- Festival of independent art spaces in Vienna
works from the collection and the collective by André Baschlakow, Jurgis Gecys, Robert Gruber, Kathrin Hanga, Alastair Levy, Bianca Regl, Almut Reichenbach, Sarah Sharafi, Céline Struger
“37x21x21 “
Opening: 13.5.2024 6PM
organised by David Mase, Markus Riedler, Rebekah Kim
An exchange project between artists from Vienna and New York. 30 artists from Vienna are exhibiting at gallery Picture Theory in Chelsea NY from May 14-19. There their works will be exchanged for the works of NY artists. The 30 NYer works will be sent back to Vienna and exhibited at Kunstraum Super.
The project is non-monetary, artworks will be exchanged for artworks.
Opening: 2.5.2024 6PM
organised by István Antal
Oscari Andersson (Fi) , Antal István (AT, HU), Anna Doppler-Kunčić (AT), Peter Fritzenwallner (AT), Gallai Judit Ágnes (HU), Gáspár Annamária (HU), Lassi Kontiainen (Fi), Kaisla Kyyhkynen (Fi), Elias Langi (Fi) @Elias Langi , Marko Markovic (AT), Daniel Palpa (Fi), Tanya Shtykalo (AT/UK), Céline Struger (AT), Szabolcsi Viktória (HU), Szabó Kristóf (HU), Patrick Topitschnig (AT), Reinhold Zisser (AT)
“Donna Haraway’s “Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene” is the basic idea behind the exhibition. Haraway reminds us that we must face up to and take collective responsibility for humanity’s environmental crises. The book brings together several disciplines to question human exceptionalism and urges us to take collective action to change our habits that are responsible for climate change and its consequences. The stories in “The Camille Stories” imagine a world where reimagined relationships create new identities and communities. Chthulucene rejects deterministic narratives and instead offers a diverse and compassionate story that offers hope in the face of uncertainty.
The aim of this primarily Hungarian-Finnish-Austrian international exhibition is not to create a symposium on Nature Art, but to present the pressing issues of our time ( environmental as well as social ) through a broader spectrum of transmedia art.” (István Antal)
Céline Struger
Lars Åkerlund
Cité Internationale des Arts Paris
18 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville
Studio 2232, old building, 1st floor
75004 Paris
Electric Chamber Choir is a collaborative, experimental art project by visual artist Céline Struger and sound artist Lars Åkerlund. Struger’s multi-part sculptures become instruments on which Åkerlund performs generated live sound. Through a blend of recorded sounds and spontaneous elements, his music alters frequencies and volume, causing ripples and vibrations in the water.
As the sound interacts with the water, Struger adds ink and pigments, which blend organically due to the waves created. Åkerlund’s response is influenced by the arrangement of the water basins and the sequence of chosen colors. This project delves into themes of growth and change exploring them through both sculptural and auditory lenses. The artists engage in a dialogue about the limitations and potential of their respective mediums, touching upon the density and tension found in both matter and sound.
plusDREISSIG 30 Jahre Galerie Freihausgasse
30 Jahre Galerie Freihausgasse
Mit plusDREISSIG setzt die Galerie Freihausgasse ihre Jubiläumsausstellung fort. Zu sehen sind jene Positionen, die der Kärntner Kunstszene zugeordnet werden können und Einzelausstellungen von 2011 bis 2023 in der Galerie Freihausgasse hatten.
MUD-GROUP#3: Who has Land to make a Fire
Patrícia J. Reis, Céline Struger & Kristin Weissenberger
>MUD-GROUP#3: Who has Land to make a Fire<
Galerie3 Klagenfurt (Lichthof)
23 Sep – 28 Oct 2023
Dalseong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival
Céline Struger takes part in this years’ Dalseong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Daegu, Republic of Korea. Céline Struger builds a site-specific outdoor sculpture at the ARC Water Center, which will stay there for a month.
SISYPHOS: ROLLING STONE #2 Künstlerhaus Factory
Céline Struger takes part in the group exhibition SISYPHOS: ROLLING STONE #2 Exhibtion at Künstlerhaus Vienna from 6.9. (opening at 7PM) to 10.9.2023 With spresso & mud (Nina Polaschegg & Bruno Strobl), Gerhard Fresacher, JALS (Angelique Spanoudis & Jan Lauth), ROMAnatol (Romana Egartner & Niclas Anatol), Céline Struger, Wolfgang Walkensteiner
PS at KS Room
Céline Struger takes, amongst other artists, part in the group exhibition, PS at the Kunstraum KS Room in Feldbach, Styria. The group show is curated by Markus Waitschacher, with Catrin Bolt / Alfred Lenz / Alban Hajdinaj / Mirna Kutleša / Gianna Virginia Prein / Céline Struger
Artocène third edition: Le Vide comme repère / Horizon of the Void
Céline Struger is, amongst other international artists, invited to the Artocène festival on the iconic site of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc that brings together architecture and contemporary art to create a dialogue with the alpine landscape, symbol of a fragile and moving nature.
The festival takes the form of an exhibition itinerary through the city. The exhibitions are an opportunity to discover works by international artists, established or emerging, as well as ephemeral architectures. The theme is approached through a 'contemporary art' angle and through an 'architecture' angle, the two being sometimes juxtaposed.
ENERGY Koelwaterhal
Céline Struger takes, amongst other international artists, part in the group exhibition, ENERGY at the new art venue in Koelwaterhal, Zwolle, the Netherlands. The artists have all been selected for their supremely edgy work which explores the determination and vulnerability associated with any quest for new pathways. ENERGY opens at the Koelwaterhal in Zwolle on 28 May, and will run until 17 September as part of the programme of Hanseatic Year 2023.
AIR Paris, Cité Internationale des Arts by Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
Céline Struger is an artist in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris from 1.5.2023 to 30.9.2023. The studio grant is provided by BMKOES, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
Mud-Group#3: Who Has Land to Make a Fire?
Mud-Group#3: Who Has Land to Make a Fire? a feminist collaborative action by Céline Struger, Kristin Weissenberger &
Patrícia J. Reis. Supported by Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory
Céline Struger’s solo exhibition ‘GEOSPIRIT ‘ opening 14.01.2023 on the occasion of the big Winter Rundgang at She BAM!, Spinnerei galleries.
Violetta Ehnsperg, Céline Struger
>Forever now<
Galerie3 Klagenfurt
12 Nov – 23 Dec 2022
”Goodbye Horses” – Art in public space project at Neue Platz, Klagenfurt by Céline Struger. A temporary excavation site iincluding heavy machinery and potential findings is placed right next to Klagenfurt’s very own piece of paleo art, the Lindwurm”
organised by: kulturprojekter
duration: 20.08.2022–29.08.2022
MORGENLICHT Positionen in situ
Morgenlicht_Positionen in situ
Gegenwartskunst trifft auf historische Artefakte
des Museums
Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 12.08.2022 um 19.00 Uhr
durch Roman Grabner vom Universalmuseum Joanneum
und Kurator Klaus D. Zimmer
Teilnehmende Künstler:innen
André Baschlakow, Stefan Glettler, Robert Gruber,
Elisabeth Gschiel, Kathrin Hanga, Melitta Moschik,
Petra Schweifer, Céline Struger, Klaus D. Zimmer
Klaus D. Zimmer, Gaby Jedliczka
bis 31.10.2022
COLAPSO. Contener el residuo, habitar la ruina. COLLAPSING. Encapsulating waste, inhabiting ruins.
Curated by Yosi Negrín Ruíz and Paula Ramos Mollá TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
2 July-18 September 2022
Amy Balkin
Lucía Bayón
Marcin Dudek
Berenice Olmedo
Céline Struger
Inés Miño, Mon Cano and Íñigo de Barrón
Bat-Ami Rivlin
Luis Lecea
Marina González Guerreiro
Cajsa von Zeipel
Maï Diallo and Lucía Dorta
Shanie Tomassini
Rafael Pérez Evans
Jack Almgren
Young Boy Dancing Group
Image poster: Mariano Díaz Claverie
”Unseen Sights” – The group show is opening on 14.5. at 6 PM at Gottrekorder, Graz.
with Lea Abendstein, André Baschlakow, Linda Ebert, Jurgis Gečys, Jeremy Glogan, Markus Krottendorfer, Alastair Levy, Sabine Maier, Sarah Pedde, Erwin Polanc, Burghart Schmidt, Céline Struger.
Gottrekorder – Rechbauerstraße 19a, 8010 Graz
duration: 14.05.2022–12.06.2022
“Needle & Balloon” group exhibition with Apart Collective, Radek Brousil, András Csefalvay, Andrej Dúbravsky, Ádám Horváth, Simon Chovan, Yein Lee, Kristián Németh, Céline Struger, Adam Vackár at Galéria Jána Koniarka Synagóga Trvna, curated by Michál Stolárik
SISYPHOS, rolling stone
“SISYPHOS, rolling stone”
espresso & mud (Bruno Strobl und Nina Polaschegg), Gerhard Fresacher und Oliver Welter, ^JALS^ (Jan Lauth und Angelique Spanoudis), ROMAnatol (Romana Egartner und Niclas Anatol) Céline Struger, Wolfgang Walkensteiner
OPEN STUDIO TOUR 2021 Vienna Art Week
“Loosing Control” Vienna Art Week Open Studio Tour 2021 with Céline Struger and many more…