Neuer Platz, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee / Celovec, Austria
20.8.2022 – 29.8.2022
opening: 20.8. 2022, 9pm
performances on site: Georg Zichy (sound artist), Thales Weilinger (dance performance)
literary contribution: Josef Kleindienst
organised by Daniel Russegger, kulturprojekter
photographed by Gerhard Mauer, Raum für Fotografie
Palaeontological excavation or hoax?
The group of sculptures titled “Good Bye Horses” by Céline Struger is presented as an intervention in public space on a staged building site. It simulates a palaeontological excavation and serves, among other things, as a stage set for a performance by Georg Zichy and Thales Weilinger. The site specific installation plays on the relationship between social models of explanation for phenomena, facts and fiction.
Background: the “Lindwurm” (“dragon”) sculpture is reckoned to be the first example of “palaeo-art” world-wide. It was designed by sculptor Ulrich Vogelsang in 1590 on the basis of a fossil find discovered in 1335. According to current analysis this was the skull of a primeval woolly rhinoceros. “Good Bye Horses” alludes to the “sensationalism-factor” of this heraldic animal and aims to cast its spell on the various groups of visitors to the town square Neuer Platz.
Translated by Sibylle von Halem
»All things pass into the night« Q Lazzarus, Good Bye Horses
night view of Goodbye Horses RECONSTRUCTION FC: Gerhard Maurer
impressions of the opening ceremony 20.8.2022
sound performance by Georg Zichy
dance performance by Thales Weilinger
Goodbye Horses RECONSTRUCTION 2022, Neuer Platz Klagenfurt, Austria FC: Gerhard Maurer
poem "Raumschiffchen" by Josef Kleindienst